Today's Quote
Silence is the mother of truth.
Benjamin Disraeli

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Nature Jigsaw

I have done a jigsaw piece for a jigsaw for Seona. She chose the theme "nature" and the colour green.

well I think I've covered both bases there!
I really hope you like it seona.

The little girl is from art-e-zine

The background was done by colouring the piece with distress ink and then using the same colour to stamp and clear embossing it.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Charmed, I'm sure!

I signed up for a charm swap organised by Deb. then wondered what I'd done!! I really had no idea. I wanted something that was very "me" yet wearable. I've gone for something really simple. I hope that they are not too simple! I had a good rummage through my vast collection of old buttons, used some headpins that I bought a while ago (for no particular reason) and some beads that I bought when I was going through a beading phase.

Friday, May 11, 2007

M and N

M is for moon
N is for Next To You

Thursday, May 10, 2007

love tag

Kaz's weekly tag swap theme this week is "love". I decided instead of my usual tag shape to do a heart shape (I know, it's not very original, but hey!!). I hand drew a large assymetric heart and then decided to do it as more of a hanging than a tag. I had a spare picture from when I did the "kiss" atc, so I used that, but coloured it with tea dye distress ink as it was a bit white against the string. The red is fired brick distress ink. I love that colour.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

making my own foam stamps

I've been playing today at making my own stamps out of funky foam. well let's face it what else CAN you use it for!!!!

I've made the harlequin background for this one. I quite like it

Monday, May 07, 2007

"letters" inchie

well I surprised myself with this one as I was planning to interpret the theme with a postal sort of thing. but then when I sat down to do it, this sort of happened. I'm actually pleased with it.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

what happens with the inchie swap..

I thought that my "blog readers" might be interested to see the results of one of the inchie swaps I organise. This is the latest one. The man theme. The one at the top left is the only one that is mine. I think you will agree they are a pretty impressive collection.
The next theme I am organising is "letters"

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I've been double tagged!!!

I've been tagged by both Deb and paula
here are the rules
"So, the rules are: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to blog about their 7 things and post the rules as well. At the end of your blog you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog. "

here are my random facts

1 bizarre phobia 1: telephones
2 bizarre phobia 2: spiral staircases
3 bizarre phobia 3: not being able to pick my own children out of a group of children
4 I have a first class degree in maths
5 I can tap dance pretty well
6 my favourite food is crisps
7I love "chick lit" books

now I honestly can't think of seven people to tag, so if you read this, have a blog and haven't been tagged before, please consider yourself tagged and leave me a comment to say you're tagged!!!!!!

Jar Fairy

I've been wanting to make a jar fairy for ages. I've seen them dotted around in mags and blogs and I love them. After a discussion on my forum as to whether it was cruel or not, we decided that as the fairies were made of paper. it was probably okay!! now if they were real fairies that would be a different matter.

just to be on the safe side I chose a pepper pot for my fairy as it has ready made air holes.

see more jar fairies and other things I've done with jars here