Today's Quote
Silence is the mother of truth.
Benjamin Disraeli

Saturday, August 24, 2013

less is more: washi tape

This week's theme at Less Is More is Washi Tape. You can either use some you've bought or improvise. I've seen people make it before with surgical tape and wanted to have a go. I had some lovely fresco chalk finish paints to play with from PaperArtsy, and I'm experimenting with the different types (opaque, semi-opaque and translucent.)

I had a scraggy bit of micropore tape, so I stuck it to my cutting mat

 and sponged on the translucent blood orange. I then stamped the opaque sky blue,


using this swirl stamp (one of my favourites from PaperArtsy)

and then did the same with this splatter (another fave).

Then I stamped this script (yet another fave) in black ink.

 close- up


I used this to make a card using another PaperArtsy stamp (all of the stamps I have used have been from the  hotpicks sets) and the splatter again. I stamped the flower under the tape, but the splatters over it.

I'm quite pleased with how this turned out. I'll definitely be trying it again.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

less is more: round and round

This week at Less is More the theme is "round and round"

 I used these really cool cogs from PaperArtsy as well as some of their paints

The crisp edges of the paint are created with post-it notes.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I'm really pleased that my paperartsy one layer collage card got "showCASed" on simply less is more challenge

Sunday, August 04, 2013

less is more: Colour Challenge

I really likes the colour combination for this week's Less is More Challenge. So I decided to make a quick One-Layer Card (although it isn't One Layer Week).
This is the colour combination

My Card is made using Mustard Seed and Pumice Stone Distress Ink and Smokey Grey Versafine Ink.

All of the Stamps are from PaperArtsy.  The Paris Stamp is a Mini, and The Splatter and Script are from Hotpicks (1006 and Extra 06) but there are similar minis that would do the same Job