so if you are expecting a christmas present from me look away now, this could be a bit of a spoiler.
I wanted to make some quick knitted gifts, and had the idea of these mug cosies.
I thought I'd share my pattern
needles:4mm I think,they say 8 on them, if I remember rightly that's 4mm
yarn: that random ball of wool in the knitting basket with no label on it, but it's the right colour. probably double knit. is that sport weight in the US?
a button.
tension square:what's one of those then? just don't knit too tight or too loose and if you do, put it on a bigger or smaller mug.
Cast on 62 stitches, in whatever way you like to cast on
K1 P1 rib for two rows
3rd row K6 P2 K6 P2 K10 P2 K6 P2 K10 P2 K6 P2 K6
4th row K2 P4 K2 P6 K2 P10 K2 P6 K2 P10 K2 P6 K2 P4 K2
repeat row 3 and 4 once more
row 7 K6 P2 C6F (cable the next 6 stitches,ie put 3 on a cable needle at the front (or the back if you prefer) knit next 3 sts then k 3 from cable needle) p2 k10 p2 C6F (I don'thave to explain it again do I?) p2 k10 p2 C6F p2 k6
row 8 as row 4
repeat rows 3-8 twice more
then row 3 and 4 once more
k1p1 rib for two rows
cast off,leaving a long thread.
use loose cast on thread to join the bottom rib
use cast off thread to make a button hole. make a loop by sewing it through the back to the front, wrapping it round your finger (to make a size for the button you have chosen, then into knitting again and repeat so you have a double thickness loop. then bring the yarn back through and blanket stitch around the loop.(I'm sure that made no sense. if anyone's bothered I'll try and explain it better.
sew the button on the other side.
buy ultra cheap mugs (I got these for 9 for £4.99) and dress them in their new winter jumpers.