The theme at
sunday postcard art is bicycles and the theme at
saturdays workout is "can you be grungy?".
Now, I'm not exactly sure what grungy means. I used to think it meant muddied, distressed, collagy type thing, but it seems to have developed a new meaning of using circly bits on your work. I'm confused.
well I needed a bit of an antidote to all that prettiness of the gothic arch challenge, so I decided to have a go at grunging it up a bit!
So I hope this counts as grungy. I also hope it counts as a bicycle postcard, because strictly speaking it's a tricycle (it's okay I've just checked, tricycles are allowed)!!
I've even taken the photo in a grungy place, on my back step, as it was the best place to get the last of the natural light.
The image is by Inka and I have distressed it by scrunching it, sanding it and inking it. I've used sequence waste, ringer and newpaper clippings stamps all from Inka.
I've been a bit of a challenge addict today, but I think I'm done for the day now, the light is fading and the bulb has gone in my craft room and I'm too lazy too change it!