Today's Quote
To live is to think.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Friday, March 04, 2011

April Craft Stamper is out today

I have an article this month called Floating Fronts. it's just a little idea I had to make 3D cards which go flat in an envelope (I like it when things go flat in envelopes, it's just one of those things..)

All of the instructions are in the magazine, and they must make some sense as Netty has already made one!

The stamps I used are by Scrolls Work and Stampotique and they are all available from Happy Daze in the UK.


  1. This looks great, Joanne! I can't wait....

  2. FAB idea - got mine on subscription just a couple of days ago, still browsing!


  3. I can't wait to get my issue so I can turn right to your article! You always have such amazing projects and fun ideas!

  4. Got mine too - Joanne I love this idea and will be giving it a go. Love your article.
    Lesley x

  5. Fabulous article, Joanne! Love your cards - what fun they must be to receive in the mail!

  6. Joanne, how neat! wish I could get the mag- congrats!

  7. Way to go girl! I don't think we have that magazine here but if we do...I'll be checking it out!

  8. Excellent! Love the colourway you've used. Will get my copy asap!

  9. Your floating card Joanne is brilliant and so easy to understand, plus I love the style of yours. Brilliant article and tutorial. Annette x

  10. looks fab Joanne - mine is sitting waiting to be read later.

  11. Must rush out and buy a copy!!! Jo x

  12. Looks great! I need to find a copy!

  13. good article Joanne...bound to be a hit with everyone

  14. OOh congrats on a new publication Joanne! I need to get myself a copy now:0) xxx

  15. LOVED your article in CS. Always looking for something a bit different to create so thank you for the idea and tips.
    Lesley x

  16. Wonderful article Joanne and very easy to follow. Loved the inspiration and have had a little play as I really loved the 'floating' idea. Hugs Cherry XXx

  17. Hi Joanne, I saw a 3D card on display at my local craft shop, promptly took pics & made notes as to how to make my own version. After I'd finished I wondered what on earth the style of card was called! The shop told me it was a floating front card and after Googling that I found your blog. Blimey, it's taken me over 3 years to discover this fab card fold!

    I don't have the issue of Craft Stamper your article appeared in and I've written my own tutorial which I was planning to share on my blog - if that's OK with you. I have credited you and added your blog address to the tutorial. I hope that's OK but please let me know if you'd rather I didn't share it - you can email me at ruthmuz at aol dot com.

    Thanks so much for this wonderful idea!
    Ruth x


word verification is off! thanks for all your lovely comments, they mean so much to me!