Saturday, December 17, 2011

Crochet Mistletoe Bauble

My work Christmas do had a competition to make our own baubles. I decided to crochet mine.

I got the pattern for the mistletoe from a book (but made it smaller). The ball is made using prinicples of arigurumi (check out youtube for techniques). I hope that the photos pick out the lovely sparkle in the white yarn. I finished with some beads from a broken bracelet (I say broken..... to be honest I cut it up just to make this, but in my defense it was a really cheap one)


  1. what a great idea Joanne. the yarn is perfect. I might suggest that competition myself next year for our place lol

  2. Fab bauble, looks brilliant !!

  3. I wish, I wish, I wish i could crochet I lOVE this!!


word verification is off! thanks for all your lovely comments, they mean so much to me!