Today's Quote
Every burden is a blessing.
Walt Kelly

Thursday, January 22, 2009

TGIF books (and matchbook tutorial)

I'm really honoured to be the guest host at TGIF this week, where the theme is books, also one of my favourite themes as I love to use book pages in my work.
I made a matchbook notebook like this for my second piece in this months stamping contrasts article in craft stamper magazine, but as it was my second piece I didn't really get much space to explain how I did it, so I thought I would include full instructions here if anyone is interested.

materials: card, paper, trimmer, scorer, stapler, adhesive

trim a strip from the card (size isn't really important, it depends how big you want your notebook to be)

score 3 small strips of equal size.

fold up as shown

bend down the cover so that it overlaps the fold a little, not all the way as you need to allow room for stapling.

and fold

cut paper smaller than the cover for pages

open out and lay pages so they lie against the first score line, on the right side of the card (i.e. the side that will show on the outside of the book)

staple in place

the staples should be close to the bottom of the page (gives more room for the cover.) do not worry about stapling neatly, you will not see the staples

turn over and apply adhesive to back of first scored bit

fold up so the adhesive sticks this bit down.

you can now close the notebook and decorate at will

(all stamps on TGIF piece by non-sequitur)


  1. This is lovely Joanne, thanks for the instructions and great to see you as guest designer too.

  2. Wow Joanne this is fantastic book and lovely tutorial. I love Alice.

    Thanks for this wonderful entry as Guest-Designer on TGiF.

  3. This is gorgeous, and it's not very clear in CS what this is, so it's good to see one open etc...fantastic idea. love it.

  4. Absolutelty gorgeous and thank you for this great tutorial.

  5. This is gorgeous, Joanne. I think I'll have to make one now that I have the full instructions. :-)

  6. Thanks for a tutorial. Great job. I did several books but its always good to learn a new way of putting it together.

  7. gorgeous ! thanks for the great instructions!

  8. Love your Match book. Really cute.

  9. Wonderful book Joanne.Great theme.Will be trying this one..

  10. Beautiful book! Thanx for your tutorial!

  11. What an absolutely gorgeous and inspiring project Joanne. Thank you for the turtorial!

  12. and if I get stuck all I have to do is look to my left as I am lucky enough to own this, so have no excuse not to join in - thankyou Joanne its even more fantastic in RL. I love the small heart, eggs and zoomz detail in the corner, and to use Alice pages is a perfect touch. xx

  13. beautiful!! thanks for the tutorial!!

  14. Lovely card and inspirational tutorial. Thanks a lot!

  15. beautiful book and thank you so much for the clear instructions

    x Hilda

  16. This is truelly amazing .
    Thanks for this great tutorial.

  17. lovely book joanna.
    thank you for a great tutorial

  18. Joanne, thanks for the tutorial. Love your new background.

  19. Wow, this is quite an inspiration piece. I love what you've done in putting all the together. Fabulous project!

  20. congrats Joanne, a lovely project. I love the idea of the print strip along the bottom with the name on top.

  21. Joanne, I've nominated you for an award. It's on my blog today.

  22. Congrats on the guest host slot Joanne, love your book and what a great tutorial.

  23. I was so excited when I saw that you were the guest this week! Your piece is so imaginative. What a pleasure to learn how you made this fantastic match book.

  24. I love little matchbooks like that! Very cute! I hope your parcel arrives soon. :o)

  25. The Tutorial is fab and the matchbook is gorgeous X

  26. Hi Joanne, this is fabulous, thanks for the tutorial, it really is gorgeous. joey xxx

  27. Great matchbook, love the theme. Thank you for such a great tutorial too.

  28. Lovely Joanne - thanks for sharing :-)

  29. Thank you for a neat tutorial :) Juliet

  30. lovely joanne,great tutorial-just fabxx

  31. Now how did I get my head in a spin so badly that I missed this! Awesome project and great instructions! I don’t know if I can decorate it as well as yours but I am going to give it a go :))

  32. Beautifully created, Joanne! Great tutorial!

  33. Just had to come and see your tutorial as blue eyed Linda had a link. Wonderful and inspiring, thank you for sharing Joanne!


word verification is off! thanks for all your lovely comments, they mean so much to me!