The Guest Artist for this month's inchie swap is
Deb Freeman.
I'm sure lots of you will already be familiar with her blog. Deb makes the most beautiful gentle pieces with a romantic feel, so it seems fitting that she chose the theme romantic liaisons.
This is the inchie she has made for us

This is her introduction to this months swap
I am no expert at making inchies, in fact to say I avoid them is an understatement so when Joanne asked me to be guest designer this month you could have knocked me down with a feather. I could have refused and run for cover but I saw it as a personal challenge so I do hope you like my chosen theme of ‘romantic liaisons’.
Thank you for the invite Joanne.
remember, you can interpret the theme however you want!
The rules are the same as always, and the inchies are still sent to me, I am still organising the swap, Deb's work is done!
1) Make 9 inchies, send 8 of them to me.
2) If you are in the UK enclose a SAE with a LARGE stamp.
3) if you are out of the UK, send me a small gift, or an ATC and I will cover the postage. please also send an envelope with your address on.
4) They can all be the same, or all different, whatever!!
5) they can be any media you like as long as they are 1" square.
6) there are no rules how to make them or finish them.
7) you do not need to mount them (just make sure they won't fall out of the envelope)
8) the swap is open to anyone, even if you have never made inchies before.
9) put your name on the back of each inchie
10) let me know by email, or by commenting on this thread, that you have posted your inchies, and then I will know to expect them.
closing date 31st may just email me for my address if you need it.
I am still waiting for some inchies from the april swap. if you know you have sent yours and I haven't contacted you to say they have arrived, please could you let me know. I know I have seem some blogged that I haven't received.